Monday, July 13, 2009

Simple Lifestyle Changes vs. Extravagant & Costly Ideas to Tackle Climate Change

A festival was held in Manchester UK this spring to provide a public forum where anyone could present their ingenious ideas to tackle climate change.  All ideas were given a forum, from incredibly sophisticated and expensive to simple and immediate. 

The professor who invented one of the first machines to harness wave energy proposed having a fleet of ships to spray seawater into the sky to increase cloud cover which could reduce the earth's temperature. 

Another free thinker proposed tipping large amounts of lime into the ocean. This, he claimed, would increase the sea's ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as well as reduce the dangerous acidity which has also been a byproduct of decades of emissions. 

The idea I liked the best came from a psychotherapist who led "carbon conversations" to encourage people to change their high carbon lifestyle.  So very simple and inexpensive it seems literally insane for everyone on our planet not to engage in such discussions.  Multiply the carbon lifestyle changes of these few people by a billion or so and the reduction in global warming could be astronomical and immediate. 

Anyone care to help save a couple of million trees?  How about some toilet paper made from 80% post consumer paper?  It's really as simple as that.

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