“The fact that this chemical, (triclosan, a germ-killing chemical), is found in the environment and is being detected in a top level predator, (one-third of the bottlenose dolphins tested off South Carolina and almost one-quarter of those tested off Florida,) certainly warrants concern,” said Patricia Fair, a research physiologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and lead author of the dolphin study, which was published online in the journal Environmental Pollution in May.
Triclosan is a germ-killing chemical found in hundreds of products, including liquid hand soaps, toothpaste and deodorants. The amount of Triclosan found in the dolphins has disrupted the hormones and growth and development of other animals that had similar amounts in their blood.
And to those who say we need this chemical otherwise we won't rid ourselves of infectious bacteria.
"In the first known comprehensive analysis of whether antibacterial soaps work better than plain soaps, Allison Aiello of the U-M School of Public Health and her team found that washing hands with an antibacterial soap was no more effective in preventing infectious illness than plain soap. Moreover, antibacterial soaps at formulations sold to the public do not remove any more bacteria from the hands during washing than plain soaps." August 15th, 2007. U-M stand for University of Michigan. Notice the date, 2 years ago.
The obvious conclusion: We don't need antibacterial soaps or any other products that contain Triclosan. We are poisoning one of the most intelligent and precious animals on earth with something we don't need now nor have we ever needed.
As I mentioned before the easiest way to stop this type of insanity is with your pocketbook. If we don't buy this poison then it will be impossible for someone to sell it. It will be too late if we wait for the EPA or other similar organizations to react, they wait until the damage is done. We can decide now.
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